30 milliseconds

Average corresponding time/ms

Over 220 billion

The amount of Ai model training used


Ai preset total number

use zhihunAi Enable creativityOver 100x increase

zhihunAi Super Artificial Intelligence

Different from any four or five you've ever thought about - unique and unimaginable abilities

Go use it immediately

As it is used, it gradually grows

With continuous learning and use, AI will gradually grow and bring more convenience and innovation to humanity

Go learn immediately

An unimaginable ability to think beyond imagination

It can always quickly find the key to solving problems in massive model databases

Ask questions immediately

Supports over 20 languages

Supports understanding and translation in over 20 languages, breaking down direct language barriers between individuals

Go translate immediately

Simplify multiplayer collaboration

The widespread application of AI technology can greatly simplify the difficulty of multi person collaboration

Collaborate immediately

Powerful personalization

zhihunAi Personalization can be freely set and updated synchronously across the entire platform

Go customize now

zhihunAi have70+Functional presets

The entire process only requires dialogue between people to complete the creation, and in the dialogue, the simplest words can be used to convey information beyond imagination

🌴✈️ #西双版纳旅行指南# 嘿嘿,各位小伙伴们~👋 想要逃离喧嚣,探索异域风情吗?🌳。跟我一起,开启一段神秘的热带冒险之旅吧!我们要去寻找独一无二的西双版纳风情~🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️...


首先,很抱歉听到你近期遭遇了分手和家庭理解上的挑战。这些情况都可能导致强烈的情绪和压力反应。作为支持性的资源,我可以提供一些心理健康管理建议。1.认知行为疗法(CBT)技巧:情绪日志: 每天记录你...

好的,我已经开始构思了,但我需要更多的提问信息来完善这个算法的设计: 数据的来源是什么?例如,是来自文件、数据库还是实时数据流? 数据的类型是什么?(文本、数字、图像等) 您希望算法执行何种操作?(搜索、排序、聚合、统计分析等) 您预计要处理的数据量有多大?...

发文单位(盖章) 文号:【×××】[年份]第【 】号紧急程度:紧急 发文日期:[年份]年[月份]月[日期]日主题词:河北 某县城 供暖不足 调查关于河北某地区某县城供暖不足情况的通知各相关单位:根据群众反映和初步调查,近期我县城出现了整体供暖不足的情况。...

How to use itzhihunAi

  • 01

    How to open zhihunAi


  • 02

    Recommended to use after logging in

    zhihunAi You can register and log in at any time using your phone number

  • 03

    Start conversation using

    Just choose the appropriate preset and corresponding model, and you can freely use Zhihun Ai to solve problems